Fungal Nail

Our Hinchley Wood Clinic has expertise in fungal nail treatments with a dedicated fungal nail clinic.  

If you need fungal nail treatments by the experts, look no further. Contact Sally Pembery Associates today. We serve customers in Esher, Cobham, Thames Ditton & surrounding areas. 

What is a Fungal Nail infection

Fungal Nail Treatment
Fungal infections of the nails are also known as dermatophytic onychomycosis, or tinea unguium. The condition affecting around 20% of people in the UK at some point can cause unsightly, & for many patients painful nails. Commonly, the infected toenail thickens & disfigures and may even crumble. Once established in one nail, infections can easily spread to other nails. If left untreated, a fungal nail infection may ultimately result in the nail having to be removed surgically. The responsible fungus is usually the same as causes athlete’s foot, where the fungus lives in the keratin that makes up the outer layer of the skin. When the athlete's foot fungus spreads to the keratin of the nails, the result is a fungal nail infection on one or more nails. Fungal Nail infections can involve all or part of the nail, including the nail plate, nail bed and growing area of the nail, often starting along the outside sulcus of the nail which turns whitish-yellow, brown or green. 

Treatments for Nail Infections

Treatments for Nail Infections
Several ways to treat fungal nails have been developed. A solution being applied over time to the nail is one way, oral medication is another, and lasers can also be used. But all these treatments have a number of downsides. At Sally Pembery Associates we are offering the latest high end technology for treating fungal nail infections through high intensity LED light treatment - PACT - Photodynamic Antimicrobial Therapy, with a very high success rate that has no side effects.
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PACT Fungal Nail Therapy

LED Treatment
PACT is an abbreviation and scientific term that stands for Photodynamic Antimicrobial Therapy. This treatment has been used effectively in medicine since the 1990s for the treatment of tumours, skin diseases &wound infections. It works by selectively targeting the sensitized fungal cells with a specific wavelength of light. This is turn means the bacteria and nail fungus is destroyed. whilst leaving all other cells untouched and therefore unharmed. As a result there are no known side effects. It is an extremely effective fungal nail treatment method, being over 80% effective. The treatment plan is safe, highly effective and does not require a GP referral . PACT is also safe and effective for use on patients with Diabetes.
More Info
If you would like us to evaluate and treat your fungal nails, call us on 

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