Swift Verruca Treatment

Stubborn verrucae or warts? 

We have now carried out more than 1000 Swift treatments and we are delighted.

Swift is used for the treatment of verruca and warts -  If you have a wart or a verruca, contact our team today to find out how we can help you.

How does Swift Microwave therapy work?

Swift Microwave Therapy is a pioneering technology, developed in the UK, which has been licenced for the general treatment of verrucae and warts in Podiatry.  At Sally Pembery Associates, we use Swift treatment for verrucae & warts, not only on the feet, but also hands, legs, knees & elbows. 

Swift uses microwave energy delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue. As microwave energy travels into the tissue, water molecules begin colliding and creating localised heat energy – quickly destroying all infected tissue within a predetermined depth, leaving surrounding tissue undamaged.  
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Who can be treated?

microwave verruca treatment
There are no specific contra-indications to Swift and anyone who has verrucae or warts can benefit. 

Swift treatment allows us to safely treat children from age 8 years upwards, subject to check-up. 

We will carry out a full assessment on all potential patients prior to treatment to confirm. 
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Does it hurt?

microwave verruca treatment
Treatment with Swift is extremely quick and requires no dressings causing minimal disruption to your day.

 Swift is applied for 2 seconds at a time. Some people experience some discomfort during this time, likened to a prick or scratch which lasts for 2 - 3 seconds, although some people may find it more painful. 

There is usually very little or no discomfort after the procedure. In some cases the treated area may feel tender but will not prevent you undertaking normal daily activities, including swimming, running and more.
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How many treatments will I need?

When the virus enters the skin, some people’s immune systems immediately respond by producing antibodies and killing it dead. Others don’t and a verruca forms. Swift is designed to prompt that local immune response for the body to heal itself.

Swift treatment results in a degree of localised tissue damage prompting a healing response part of which is antibody recruitment. It is also thought to stimulate heat stress protein production which is known to prompt a strong healing response. 

The number of treatments required to remove a verruca is dependent on how long you have had it, the location, how many you have, and how you respond to treatment.

 A vast majority of verrucae will be treated successfully in 3 treatments. Each treatment is 4 weeks apart. We will discuss this with you at your initial assessment.
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Will it get rid of my verruca?

Swift Microwave Therapy
A clinical study carried out by the University Of Southampton recruited 32 adults with one or more persistent verrucae for a course of up to 4 treatments, roughly 4 weeks apart. 

In order to be eligible for the research, patients had to have had their verruca for at least 1 year and failed to respond to previous treatments. 

The results showed that out of 54 verrucae treated with Swift Microwave Therapy, 76% of verrucae had resolved with 94% of the resolved verrucae having cleared after 3 treatments or less.

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